smiley face

美 [ˈsmaɪli feɪs]英 [ˈsmaɪli feɪs]
  • 网络笑脸
smiley facesmiley face
  1. I 'm a sucker for variations on the smiley face made with punctuation8 marks , though I suspect most people don 't like them . High five from down low


  2. " Smiley face " style fireworks and other picture depicted the opening of China .


  3. Smiley face Emoticons are increasingly accepted , though some people find them grating .


  4. So , pretend that $ data is really a smiley face .


  5. Just smile and let men admire your pretty smiley face .


  6. Turkey , by comparison , favours a more classic smiley face .


  7. Your voice email will let your addressee know how you feel better than the smiley face .


  8. His feedback and communication is direct , but sometimes tempered in email with a smiley face .


  9. I mean , " june 6 at the Plaza , " smiley face ?


  10. To print Katakana and follow it with a smiley face , enter this


  11. Don 't be a " smiley face . "


  12. He creates the smiley face , writes bumper stickers , and songs .


  13. And now for the finishing touch ... Mr. Pancake smiley face gets a cherry nose .


  14. The right-most canvas simply paints a smiley face .


  15. Sheldon : Thank you for carving a smiley face in my grilled cheese sandwich .


  16. Examples of widely known emoticons are the smiley face : ) and the frowny face : ( .


  17. The teacher signed the card Ms. Plowman , added the date - May 18 , 2012 - and even included a smiley face .


  18. No , but this morning I shaved a smiley face into my bush , and it 's very amusing .


  19. The teacher signed the card " Ms. Plowman , " added the date - May 18 , 2012 - and even included a smiley face .


  20. His business correspondence , on the other hand , has a tone that doesn 't allow for a smiley face , or even the mustache man .


  21. Carefree childhood quietly away from me , I like the smiley face as bright sunlight , I was filled with vibrant vitality of youth .


  22. And the methods , it says , " Then we put the bees into the fridge ( and made bee pie ) , " smiley face . Right ?


  23. After I had a particularly hard day , there was a message thanking me for my efforts , complete with a smiley face tucked near the bottom corner of the page .


  24. If you 're a numbers person who can 't even draw a smiley face to save your life , then you may want to cross artistic careers off the list and consider something in finance .


  25. They earn money by turning over a winning card with a smiley face , but they lose a lot of money if they turn over a losing card with a frowning face .


  26. The celestial smiley face is the result of a planetary conjunction between Venus , Jupiter , and the moon , shown here over Manila in the Philippines .


  27. Photographs of local managers are prominently displayed in every workplace and marked with a magnetic badge ( a red smiley face for good performance , a yellow frowning one for doing badly ) .


  28. To encode simple grayscale images like a smiley face , Albert Einstein and Erwin Schr ö dinger they added an electron by shining a green laser and took one away with a red laser .


  29. Children are encouraged to rate content using a bank of emoticons , such as a smiley face , and to share their experiences with online buddies who are listed in a panel on the right-hand side .


  30. It started about six months ago , with a smiley face here and there , a sequence of pictograph red hearts when friends would send baby pictures or a string of blown kisses to say good night .
